Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Visual Guessing Game

Today's Space Log post is a bit of a visual challenge. Take a look at the image above and try to guess what you think it is. At first glance, the repeating pattern appears much like that of a honeycomb. The color is kind of grayish brown, like rocks or dirt. Do you think this picture is a beehive? Maybe you guessed it was a picture taken from space. Well, sort of. The above image is actually a close-up of something that went to space and returned to Earth.

It's the Apollo 6 Command Module, now on display at the Fernbank Science Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Apollo 6 launched on April 6, 1968 (over 40 years ago!). The outer covering of the module is called Apollo Avco honeycomb and it acted as a heatshield material to protect the structure.

The Fernbank Center has lots of other cool space stuff to see besides the module, including a planetarium show, so if you are in Atlanta, definitely check it out!


  1. Dear Janet,

    I'm a big fan! I would like to go to Atlanta to this science center. We might go to Atlanta for a concert. If we do, I hope to see a shuttle!

  2. Dear Ella D,

    It's so good to hear from a big fan such as yourself. If you do make it to Atlanta, I hope you can visit the science center while you are in town. Fernbank has a bunch of other neat stuff to see, including a working beehive!

    Have a great day!

  3. Dear Janet,

    I guessed that your picture was the honeycomb on a beehive. I have seen one on the 3rd floor of our science center where I live.
